The influence of the mother on the offspring, statistics, is represented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, ordering, and the taking of censuses& all of which led to modern descriptive statistics. “母亲”对其子女统计学的影响表现在计数、测量、描述、制表、归类和人口普查。所有这些导致了现代描述统计学的诞生。
Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible. Descriptive statistics is a tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data. 数量庞大的数据通常必须经过概括或删减的程序才能为人所理解。描述统计学就是这样一个工具,它对极其庞杂的数据进行描述、概括或删减,使其变成能为人理解的东西。
The descriptive statistics for body weight normalized strength, normalized peak EMG, time to onset, time to peak, median frequency, mean power frequency, and frequency bands were calculated. 对于力量与体重、肌电图的峰值、起始时间、峰值时间、中位频率、平均功率、和频段均进行标准化描述后进行统计计算。
Descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis were used to characterize injury patterns and multivariate analysis was used to identify factors associated with severe injury. 描述统计和双变量分析用来描述伤害类型,而多重变量分析用来确定严重伤害的相关因素。
The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, factor analysis, reliability analysis and LISREL. 资料分析的方法有描述性统计、单因子变异数分析、因素分析、信度分析及线性结构方程式。
Descriptive statistics involves tabulating, depicting and describing collections of data. 描述统计学涉及对所收集数据的制表、制图和描述。
Graphs, tables, and charts that display data so that they are easier to understand are all examples of descriptive statistics. 运用曲线、表格、图表反映数据,使数据更加容易理解,都是描述统计学的例子。
Those questionnaires and demographics are analyzed by descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations, and linear regression analysis. 本研究经资料收集完成之后,进行「描述性统计」、「双变项分析」及「线性回归」。
Study on Fairness of Income Distribution Based on Descriptive Statistics of Skewed Distribution The SUA data was consistent with the skewness distribution and described by Median ± quartile. 收入分配公平性的偏态分布描述方法研究③血清尿酸数据呈偏态分布,以中位数±四分位间距表示。
The statistical techniques that we adopt contain descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, canonical analysis, and path analysis. 实证分析方法主要运用叙述性统计分析、因素分析、信度分析与路径分析。
Are descriptive statistics used? Are these accurate? 是否采用了描述性统计?这些描述性的统计精确吗?
These techniques are so diverse that statisticians commonly separate them into two broad categories: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. 根据统计技术的不同作用,统计家通常把统计学划分为两个较大的范畴:描述统计学和推断统计学。
Descriptive statistics and log-linear models were used to identify factors associated with out-of-pocket expenditure on delivery. 描述性统计和对数线性模型用来识别与自费分娩费用相关的因素。
The method of analysis includes descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and hypotheses tests. 并使用叙述统计分析、信度分析、变异数分析、相关分析等方法进行假设检定。
Subgroups and descriptive statistics were determined based on the type of population, in vivo or cadaveric, and separated based on whether the assistance of navigation was employed. 按照人群类型,活体内或尸体来决定其亚组和描述统计,并按照是否应用导航辅助进行分类。
Furthermore, this relationship has been validated by applying with the methods of descriptive statistics, multi-variable analysis and Spatial Econometrics. 并且用运用描述统计学,多变量分析和空间计量经济学方法验证了这种关系。
Proposed to solve this problem, the model setup and data collection, descriptive statistics. 提出了本文需要解决的问题、模型的设定和数据收集、描述性统计。
First of all, it showed sample selection and variables definition. Secondly, it made descriptive statistics. 首先说明了样本的选取和变量的定义,其次对于样本数据进行了描述性统计,最后利用模型对第三部分提出的理论假设进行了实证分析。
We did descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. 对数据进行了描述性统计分析、相关分析和回归分析。
The research methods used in this study are the descriptive statistics and Independent-Sample T test in SPSS. 本研究中的主要统计方法为SPSS软件中的描述性统计分析,以及推理统计中的独立样本T检验。
This chapter includes results of descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis of correlation and model results. 本章的内容包括描述性统计检验结果、相关性分析和模型的多元回归分析结果。
The data were processed by means of descriptive statistics, T-test, standard deviation analysis and Pearson correlation analysis. 本文主要使用描述性统计、T检验、方差分析和Pearson相关分析等统计方法对问卷数据进行分析。
On the basis of descriptive statistics analysis, we made regression analysis. 在多元化不同类型与企业绩效关系描述性统计以及相关性分析的基础上,对总体样本进行了回归分析。
Descriptive statistics and comparative analysis of the samples is given in section four. 在第四节作出了样本的描述性统计并对各期间的数据做了比较分析。
The statistical techniques employed for data analysis are descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. 本研究的数据分析采用的是描述性统计分析和相关性分析的统计方法。
In this paper, the whole sample data are analyzed according to industries through descriptive statistics and regression analysis. 本文对该样本进行了行业分析、描述性统计及回归分析。
Next, the data descriptive statistics, and finally the regression results and interpretation. 接下来对数据进行描述性统计,最后是回归结果和解释。
I use price model and Feltham-Ohlson model and do the empirical analysis through descriptive statistics and regression test. 采用股价模型和Feltham-Ohlson模型进行验证,并通过描述性统计和回归性检验来进行实证分析。
Descriptive statistics, Independent-sample t-test, Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis are adopted in the course of analysis. 分析过程中运用了描述性数据统计、独立样本T检验、百分比分析、皮尔森相关分析法和回归分析法。